

Yunker Plastics, Inc., serves the aquaculture industry with AquaWeve™,  EPDM GEOMEMBRANE™ and HDPE pond liners. These fish-safe and cost-effective liners provide a practical solution to pond and tank linings and are perfect for a variety of installations, such as raceway, round, and grow-out ponds.

Firestone EPDM GEOMEMBRANE™ is our premium lining material. It is flexible, durable, easy to install and comes with a pro-rated 20 year warranty.

AquaWeve™ is a reinforced polyolefin fabric providing superior strength without added weight. This "no cure" liner allows stocking of fish the same day as installation.


Basic Features



Yunker Plastics offers Aquaculture & EPDM Pond Liner Installation. For more information on our aquaculture products and services visit our website.
Golf CoursesGolf Courses

Golf Courses

Best EPDM Geomembrane Lining for Golf Course Liners and Pond Management from Yunker Plastics. Visit our website to view our products.


Looking for Landscape Pond Liners? Find the best Firestone EPDM Geomembrane, Aqua-Weve Lining and landscaping Liner at Yunker Plastics.
Waste ContainmentWaste Containment

Waste Containment

Contact for Agricultural Waste Containment Pond Liners, EPDM Geomembrane Pond Liners and Stock Tank Lining from Yunker Plastics.
Canal LinersCanal Liners

Canal Liners

Yunker Plastics offers Irrigation Canal Liners and EPDM Geomembrane Rubber Lining Installation. Contact us today for more information on our products.
EZ VentEZ Vent

EZ Vent

Yunker Plastics offers all your HVAC needs with EZ Vent Ductwork & Ventilation and Heating and Cooling Duct Work. Contact us today for more information.
Deer FencingDeer Fencing

Deer Fencing

Contact Yunker Plastics if you're interested in Deer Fencing Installations, My-T-Weve liners or Stocking Fences.


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John Doe
President, ACME Company

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